Do you and your family struggle with transitions? The endless meltdowns with every change? The back-to-school season is upon us. Whether your kiddos are...
I'll never forget the moment we knew we wanted to have another child. We were snuggling our four month old and talked about how...
Speech and language development begins at birth with a baby's first cry. A baby cries to communicate and will vary his cry according to...
Summer is quickly approaching and that means it's time for summer reading! It's important to keep kids reading throughout the summer to maintain the...
Summer time brings warmer weather and outdoor activity. Here are a few of my favorite summer activities for toddlers and preschoolers that are fun,...
It's three o'clock. I take a deep breath and search for my keys. In my past life, I would be pulling together snacks and...
Each year, May is recognized as National Speech-Language-Hearing Month, formerly known as Better Speech and Hearing Month initiated in 1972. This observance month provides...
Teacher Appreciation Week is always at the beginning of May. During that time, teachers are working tirelessly to start wrapping up the school year,...
I spent a lot of time in the newborn phase waiting for the next big thing to happen. I couldn't wait for her to...
Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to refresh your bookshelves. We tend to rotate our at-hand book baskets and floor shelves with books...



In + Around Lansing

Celebrate Pi Day with Pie In and Around Lansing

Are you looking for an afternoon pick me up to go with your 3rd or 4th cup of coffee after Daylight Savings Time? Well...