Lara Alspaugh

Lara Alspaugh
Lara is a mother to three boys ages 22, 20 and 16 and has been married for 23 years. She is a native of northern Michigan but has loved living in the Grand Ledge area since 1996! When she's not running around for her boys she's busy planning vacations, going to the gym or walking with her husband and Labrador Lulu.

Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Now that the holidays are over and the bright sheen of a new year is (already!) dimming, it's important to find ways to combat the seasonal blues that are so common in the winter....

Four Tips to Stick with Your New Year, Fresh Starts

Whether you are someone who religiously makes a New Year's Resolution, or are someone who shuns the idea, there is no denying the turning of the calendar is perfect for a fresh start. We...

3 Ways to Make Holidays Easier for Kids (And Mom!)

Some of my favorite memories of raising my kids are of Christmas. We always cut a fresh tree, decorate cookies on Christmas Eve, and take a walk in the snow. But, some of my...

Anxiety in Teens: What to Look For

Anxiety in teenagers is on the rise. The National Institute of Health reports that one in three teens ages 13 to 18 will be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Furthermore, in the last decade,...

3 Things I Wish I Knew About ADHD as a Mom

There is no shortage of opinions or information when it comes to the hot topic of Attention-Defecit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. In fact, there is an enormous amount of false information regarding the disorder. The...

What Teens Need From Their Parents as They Head Back to School

Fall and back-to-high-school comes with it a host of challenges in the best of times. Among social pressures and hormone shifts, AP Classes, extra-curricular activities, SAT and ACT prep are all in play. And...

How to Stay Organized this School Year

It's about to be a new school year, and staying organized is a challenge when the school year starts. New routines, new schedules and a lot of moving parts (and bodies!) can wreak havoc...

Tips for Connecting with Teenage Kids This Summer

When our pre-teen and teenage kids begin to want to spend more time alone, away from us and with their friends, the shift can be unsettling, especially at first. We worry what their time...

Tips for Adjusting to Summer Break

As moms, we know the end of the school year can be crazy. But even as we look forward to summer break with pool time, family vacations, and no homework, the transition from school...

Finding Peace in an Empty Nest

It's three o'clock. I take a deep breath and search for my keys. In my past life, I would be pulling together snacks and greeting my boys at the back door. Now, the house...