This time of year brings busy schedules, jam packed days, and chaotic evenings. Not to mention, colder weather and darker evenings. Family game nights are a great way to fill the time, slow down, and allow space to talk...
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we are in the season of gratitude once more. Sadly, many of us only put the gratitude in focus this time of the year and instead of making it a tentpole in our...
Exposing children to different races and cultures is an extremely important part of raising children who value and respect all people. Toys are great way to do that! If you begin to expose your children to different races and...
Gratitude and thankfulness are powerful emotions that can impact our lives in meaningful and positive ways. Teaching these emotions to children can be challenging. Gratitude inspired activities and crafts are a great way to introduce and nurture an "attitude...
November is officially upon us and we are ready to start the holiday shopping. With lists from our kids and the magic of finding the perfect gift for a beloved friend, family member, partner, and more, we're ready to...
I was adopted at six weeks old. My biological parents were fifteen and sixteen when they got pregnant with me. They were just teenagers at the local high school. Young, innocent, and having to make one of the biggest...
Each year, the Friday after Thanksgiving is designated as Native American Heritage Day. It's a day to celebrate and acknowledge the culture and contributions of Native Americans appropriately and respectfully. It also creates a space to talk with our...
As the winter holidays approach, so too does the season of giving. Teaching our children how about giving back is an important parental responsibility. However, being responsible for such an important life lesson can also feel overwhelming! To help...
At Lansing Mom, we are actively striving, now and always, to be an ally within our community and beyond. We are bringing you this resource in order to unite us all in our community. It's important to say that you’re...
When you are an adoptive parent, nothing prepares you for the cringeworthy things people say. Keep in mind, everyone is well-intended, but that doesn't mean words don't leave us feeling a certain way. My typical stance is to smile...



In + Around Lansing

2025 Lansing Mom Open Call for Writers and Mombassadors

Hey there, Mama! Are you a Lansing area mom who enjoys writing, social media, and connecting with women in your community? Are you interested in connecting with other moms while using your love for creative writing...