Hello, My name is Tumkeen, and I am a stay-at-home mom. I have six kids ranging in ages two to sixteen years old. Yes, I’m...
Hi! I'm Brandie, a Holt Mom, and I can't wait to connect with you!  My Love For Writing At a young age, I always loved telling...
Hi, I’m Katie, Co-Owner of Lansing Mom. I am so excited to be here in Lansing to build a community of moms together. Before...
As I sit here looking around my cluttered house, I’m anxious. Introducing myself to you shouldn’t be so nerve-racking. But where to begin? Should...
Hi, I'm Liz, a new contributor for Lansing Moms! Meeting my Husband I grew up in the metro Detroit area but moved to East Lansing in...
Hi! I am Alyssa! Toddler chaos coordinator, multi-passionate, lover of hobbies, and proud extrovert. If you saw me out in public, I would have my...



In + Around Lansing

Celebrate Pi Day with Pie In and Around Lansing

Are you looking for an afternoon pick me up to go with your 3rd or 4th cup of coffee after Daylight Savings Time? Well...