Maybe you've been waiting for someone else to say it first. I am saying it, and I am saying it without apology: I’m planning...
The internet right now is weird. Like. R E A L  W E I R D. A side job of mine deals with social media....
Hi! I’m Katie. I live in a little house on five acres in Grass Lake that has become our own slice of paradise. I...
Hello! My name is Amanda, and I am newly located in the Lansing area and am thrilled to be a part of Lansing Mom. About...
Being in a divorced family is sometimes such a heartbreaking scenario (and sometimes for good and safe reasons). But other times, it becomes a...
Your world comes to a screeching halt as your child tells you “He touched me.” There’s a million thoughts and emotions firing up in...
Keeping a toddler busy is no easy feat, especially 24/7 during a pandemic. With my husband and I both working from home, providing our...
I had just returned from a week-long trip of spending time with my niece and nephew while my sister and her husband were on...
The rocking chair squeaks in tune to your lovingly-sung lullabye. A shadow is cast perfectly from the dim light across your baby’s face, his...
Coronavirus has been all we’ve been talking about for who knows how long. It’s been life-changing for us all and finding a rainbow has...



In + Around Lansing

Celebrate Pi Day with Pie In and Around Lansing

Are you looking for an afternoon pick me up to go with your 3rd or 4th cup of coffee after Daylight Savings Time? Well...