Hi Lansing Mom Community! My name is Kaitlyn Wilkinson, and I am a Bath mom. I am a Michigan native as well. Before I...
With the world seemingly experiencing tragedy after tragedy, it's important that we talk to our kids about traumatic events. With the recent mass shooting...
One day mid-pandemic, I got real sick of my kids taking my couch apart to build forts. It’s fun the first day, right? It’s...
Last month, in Raising Anti-Ableist Kids Part 1, I shared a list of my family's favorite disability-inclusive books. Hopefully you had a chance to...
This week we got our first snowfall of the season, which brings my holiday spirit to a whole new level! I'm so excited to...
I've never been a technologically inclined person. Never have I been the person with the newest phone or the smartest home, and I was...
When my oldest was a toddler, we participated in some parent-child music classes. Each semester, he would fixate on one song that became his...
If you’ve come here looking for the magic trick that will instantly end any tantrum, I’ve got good and bad news for you.  The bad...
Football Season is upon us! For many of us that means college games, watching our local professional team, and attending our children's games. Lansing...
You may have read the title and said, "what does that mean?" We're here to share all about MiABLE, and how parents of children...



In + Around Lansing

Things To Do In Lansing This Spring

Spring is just about here, and I know I'm excited for better weather and more color in the trees. This change of season brings...