Michigan is blessed with an abundance of fresh apples this time of year. With many families making their annual pilgrimage to apple orchards, sometimes you just need simple ways to enjoy the bounty. Here are two super simple ways...
Our September Lansing Mom Connect is here and we can’t wait to connect with all of you in a space just for Moms who are motivated to take their business or career to the next level. September Event: Discovery, Mindset,...
The glories of fall are coming in fast, and that includes apples, APPLES, APPLES. I hope your family can squeeze in some time at a local orchard this fall to enjoy apple season (my favorite is Clearview Orchard in...
I remember emerging from the early weeks of postpartum anxiously hoping to gather with other parents and meet a mom friend or two. There is something so empowering about gathering with others to share the unique moment in time...
The other day I came downstairs shortly after my kids came home from school. I looked around and everything I saw gave me instant overwhelm! There were papers that looked like they’d be thrown in the air, backpacks on...
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Many of us know someone who has attempted or died by suicide, yet it is still a stigmatized subject. I have dealt with anxiety and depression since my late teens, so I’m...
School is such a special place where children can learn and grow. More so, cognitively, developing social skills, and thrive as independent individuals. Sadly, illness and germs can easily spread at school. Not to worry! We as parents can...
Hey, Mom. Yeah, you. Are you overworked and underpaid? Do you wish you had just one day to yourself? A day where the chores and errands can wait. Where you can kick up your feet and relax and the...
In the warmer months, we're all striving to figure out ways to spend more time outside through outdoor cooking, activities to keep the kids entertained, or games that you can play on the lawn. The first Saturday of each...
It's not too late to squeeze in more swim days before summer slips away! While we all love a day trip to Lake Michigan, moms can always use another local swimming option in their back pocket. Here's a roundup...



In + Around Lansing

Best Brunch Spots In + Around Lansing

Brunch, the social pastime meal that combines breakfast and lunch (and usually mimosas) has gained enormous popularity over the past decade, becoming an Instagram...