Top 10 Binge-Worthy TV Shows for Moms

Hey, Mom. Yeah, you. Are you overworked and underpaid? Do you wish you had just one day to yourself? A day where the chores and errands can wait. Where you can kick up your feet and relax and the only thing on your list is finding TV shows for moms to binge-watch?

Well, I have your new favorite holiday – no, its not Mother’s Day. Drum roll please…

September 6, 2024 is National Lazy Mom’s Day. The best holiday for moms everywhere!

This special day is a reminder to your family to lend a hand and give you, a hard-working mom, a much deserved break from daily tasks.

So, as your loved ones handle the laundry, dishes, shopping, and caring for little ones. You have permission to be lazy for an entire day. No strings attached.

A stay in your PJs, eat your favorite snacks, and binge-watch TV shows kind of day.

If you need some help deciding what to watch, check out my top 10 list of binge-worthy TV shows for Moms to enjoy on Lazy Moms Day:

Enjoy your lazy day mama, you’ve earned it! Tell me about your favorite TV shows for moms in the comments below. Binge watching TV shows not your thing? Click here for some other ideas of how to enjoy this day.

Brandie Yates
Brandie grew up in the small town of Ithaca, MI. She moved to the Lansing area to attend Michigan State University. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism with a focus in Broadcast, Public Relations Specialization and Dance Specialization. She currently works as the Marketing Manager for the Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA). Brandie lives in Mason with her husband, two daughters, and two golden retrievers. Her hobbies include spending time with her family & friends, traveling, cooking, dancing, and going to the theater.


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