I'm Bri and compassionate is at the core of who I am through and through. I put my whole heart into everything I do! I am also a multi-passionate entrepreneur, owner of Compassionately Bri. Compassionately Bri is where creativity and wellness meet. Here I serve my clients through photography, yoga, breathwork and compassionate coaching.Bri Luginbill
I love problem solving and packing all the right snacks for the whole fam. Roller blades make me feel free in a word where busyness seems to be the norm. You can catch me sipping sweet tea, dr.pepper and the occasional mojito. I’m a real estate entrepreneur who invests in remodel homes and airbnbs. I’m thankful two little boys call me momma and my husband occasionally takes me on his professional fishing tour so that’s fun.Chelsie DeLong
I'm a 40-year-old mama to a toddler daughter (our later-than-expected dream come true after several years of trying) and an early education advocate/former teacher. I have a side business spreading my love of reading by selling children's books, toys, and learning kits as a PaperPie Brand Partner, and I also work full time from home as a remote employee for an early childhood related nonprofit association. In my free time I love scrapbooking/journaling, reading, and listening to any music by Andrew McMahon. I'm a lifelong Michigander at heart despite having spent over a decade of my adult life living in the Washington DC area prior to moving back to Michigan last year.Meg Woolston
I am a mom of 1 almost 6 year old daughter and the owner of a small business called 45 Midwest. I started my business in May 2022 and have loved it! I hand make small batch polymer clay earrings and necklaces. My husband and I have been together 11 years (married 8) and have always lived in the Lansing area.Shayla Bradford
The above photos do not belong to Lansing Mom but to the individuals listed above.