How did you come up with the idea of your business for Compassionately Bri and Nurture, and how did you start?
Compassionately Bri was a business idea inspired postpartum after having my son. Personally, I feel like it’s common for women to undergo an identity check-in after having their first baby especially. I already had chronic illness before having him (a rare disease called Beckwith Weidemann syndrome and chronic pain due to that in my joints, muscles and bones mostly on my right side, but it was manageable. At the time, I was a wedding and portrait photographer and realized after having my son – my body at that time could not support that career as well as my new lifestyle with starting a family. I started having an identity shift and crisis because photo had been my interest since 8th grade.
Something that others helped tell me and I realized through their affirmation was I had this presences of compassion and acceptance for others. So compassionately Bri was born first as a compassion coaching business. It then evolved to add breathwork, yoga and I can now photograph sessions that are 30 minutes to a few hours long! I like to think of Compassionately Bri as a place for mind-body connection with oneself using several modalities to better accept, love, and be kind to yourself.
Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?
I think I would have attended classes about the business side. I had experience with marketing, website building/graphic design, and internal business systems as well as customer service. But a bookkeeping training as well as other administrative tasks I wasn’t as skilled in would have been great! I learned my way through with youtube tutorials and other business owners perspectives and mentoring, but having the initial foundation would have helped even more!
What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?
Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate. We uplift our own brand (and selves) when we uplight others brands(and business owners). And then on the other side of that, collaboration can come in many sizes. Maybe it’s a quick share of a fellow entrepreneurs pose that would resonate with your brand and clients. Or maybe it’s a virtual FB or IG live of you and the other brand talking on something you are both passionate about. Maybe it’s an in-person event. There’s so many ways you can collaborate based on your own personal and professional capacity.
Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?
Yes, It’s been a journey. In the past when I would contribute to conversations my perspective was belittled or not taking seriously as a woman in business. This happened more in my 18-25 year old years. How I navigated it was having mentors (both male and female) that would not only be a place to go to for support, but if they attended the same events, etc – they would back me up.
On another note: this next adversity that I am going to mention is one I believe all businesses can face. I live in a small town. Love the small town, but there is always gossip whether business wise or personal wise. I have never liked gossip to begin with. I think it’s harmful and hurtful, so this is what I do: 1) I do not engage with it. It just is icky and unnecessary. 2) I remember that no matter who I am and what I do – there will be some people that just don’t like me or the services I offer and that’s okay. I know I’m not perfect and I don’t claim to be. I am pretty real and authentic! The clients that resonate with this will find acceptance and compassion within my business.
How do you persevere in challenging times?
By getting creative and also allowing myself time and space away from the business. In challenging times can be when we (myself included) can overly absorb ourselves into our business, almost making it a part of our identity and self-worth. This is so natural and normal to do in general, but by taking time away from the business, it allows space for rest and then newfound creativity and adaptability. What does taking time and space away look like? It can look different for different people or the season of business. Here are a few ideas: maybe it’s deleting social media apps off our phones for a day or weekend Maybe it’s taking a day or weekend away from the town you live in – a mini retreat for you Maybe it’s reaching out to a good friend/colleague that can hold space for both the personal side to you and the business side.
What impact do you want Compassionately Bri and Nurture to have?
I want my business to not only have a positive impact, but a calming and motivating one. When people accept where they are at and who they are in the moment, they release shame, fear, and allow themselves room to accept their own kindness and keep growing! I teach this through my compassion coaching, yoga classes, and just by allowing space for people to fully be themselves.
What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?
Pros: According to an article from Business Insider, “Millennial Women are taking over the economy” (Link to article: https://www.businessinsider.com/millennial-women-economic-outlook-impact-stock-market-lifestyle-2024-3) – this is very exciting times! Not only are they contributing to the economy in a way that will boost it in years to come, they hold position that will contribute to positive continued growth for women in the workforce. According to a Forbes article: “Women Entrepreneurs Poised for Growth in 2024” (link to article https://www.forbes.com/sites/melissahouston/2023/10/06/women-entrepreneurs-poised-for-growth-in-2024/?sh=673c5c7e51c0) women entrepreneurs are optimistic that their revenue will continue to grow in 2024. However, this article does mention some cons that women have faced in the past and still do today – one of the major ones is women gaining access to capital to assist in their business growth. This article lists helpful ways to gain capital for women entrepreneurs and I highly recommend reading it!
What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?
Start today! Every action towards your goal matters! Just adding 5-10 minutes of action towards your entrepreneur journey will contribute to it more greatly than you may imagine. If you aren’t sure where to start, join some entrepreneurial groups, attend a Lansing Mom Connect, reach out to those that inspire you on instagram/tiktok.
What do you do for personal and professional development?
Youtube free trainings on any aspects of business I am interested in is the first place I start and then attending professional networking groups that resonate with me and my brand. For example our village has a small business association and the small business michigan association as well as attending Lansing Mom Connects and being a part of several Facebook networking groups. I also continue my education within the yoga and wellness field. I’m currently enrolled in a few trainings that will provide me with certificates soon!
What Mantra or Quote do you live by?
“Our successes and failures come and go – they neither define us nor do they determine our worthiness.” – Dr. Kristine Neff, author of The Proven Power of Being Kind to Ourselves.
What’s Your Favorite Place in Lansing or Michigan?
Oh my goodness! Just one place?! This is too hard lol! I enjoy so many places around Lansing and Michigan as well. I am an avid nature lover/hiker so any of our state or local parks is always wonderful. Food-wise I love sushi, so any sushi places – my top 2 favorites in the Lansing area are Sushi Moto & Ohana Sushi.
Where can our readers find Compassionately Bri and Nurture on social media?
- Nurture Yoga Studio Instagram
- Nurture Yoga Studio Facebook
- Compassionately Bri Instagram
- Compassionately Bri Facebook