Tag: mental health

5 Things To Do To Save Yourself Time

As busy moms it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the tasks we have to complete in a day. It's not uncommon for us...

Raising Anti-Ableist Kids Part 2: Talking About Disability

Last month, in Raising Anti-Ableist Kids Part 1, I shared a list of my family's favorite disability-inclusive books. Hopefully you had a chance to...

Ten Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

Bad days come and go. In my mind, we have two options to let the day get to us or do something to turn...

Books to Read to Start 2021 Off Right

I have no idea what 2021 will bring.  Usually I spend a lot of time at the end of a year reflecting, goal setting, and...

Simplify the Holidays and Enjoy all of the Moments

There is not much that is more magical than the holiday season, no matter what you celebrate. The pressure to make the holidays perfect...

Essential Oils for Beginners

Two of the most important jobs I have as a mother are to help keep my family healthy and safe both physically and mentally....

Introducing Kristin Jorgensen… A DeWitt Mom

Hi! My name is Kristin and I am a DeWitt Mom. I am so excited to be joining the Lansing Mom community. I can't...

Self Care: Making Space for Yourself

Self care is something most moms know they need but struggle to do consistently. With the pandemic throwing new challenges our way on every...

Practical Ways to Cope with Anxiety in Uncertain Times

The night they announced schools were shutting down until further notice and restaurants would be drive-through only, stores were quickly selling out of toilet...

Postpartum Resources In + Around Lansing During Pandemic

In all honesty, the postpartum period is messy. It can feel hard to navigate or even impossible at times, even with an amazing support...