5 Ways to Improve Your Fitness

This Saturday, May 4, folks around the world will celebrate National Fitness Day. This day is a way to get inspired to find new ways of becoming fit and healthy. If you’ve been looking for new ways to increase your fitness, keep reading to learn five ways you can embrace this day either by yourself or with your family.

Move Your Body

There are 4 basic groups of physical fitness: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. This encompasses so many different activities that will get your blood flowing. Try things like running, biking, yoga, cardio classes, swimming, walking, and stretching. I love to take our littles out on the trails and go hiking. I’ll throw in questions that get our 5 senses stirring too. What do you hear, what animals do you see, what colors are those flowers and how many? There are so many ways to move your body that will make you feel good!

Try Something New

It seems like there are always new activities and types of exercises being introduced. There are probably plenty you’ve wanted to try but haven’t made the time for yet. Trying a new fitness activity can spark your excitement to keep going with a new goal. Grab a friend and try pickle ball if you’ve always thought it sounded fun. Ask another family to take a stroll through a park you haven’t been to with the kids. Or, get a day pass for a local gym and try out their amenities before committing to a whole membership.

Mental Fitness

Taking care of your mental health is an important part of caring for your overall wellbeing. There are many different ways you can practice these exercises and improve your mental fitness. Meditate for a few minutes each day. Spend time in prayer. Think good thoughts with gratitude exercises. Play some fun brain games. I am a firm believer that mental health is equally as important than physical health.

Family Affair

Get everyone in your family involved in their own fitness too! Head out to the backyard for races or physically challenge games with everyone in your family. Break out the bikes or rollerblades and go for a family ride around your neighborhood. Dance parties are certainly encouraged as well!

Healthy Eats

Healthy food is great but tasty healthy food is even better! What you eat each day has a huge impact on your overall fitness. Hop on down to a local smoothie place or create your own masterpiece at home. Gather colorful ingredients to make a plentiful salad full of nutrients. Learn how to make some of your restaurant favorites at home. Ask a friend for some of their sourdough starter and bake a loaf of homemade bread. Bonus points for creativity!

Exercise is a great tool that can help our moods and decrease depression, stress, and anxiety. I hope this is a motivator to encourage you and your family to partake in this day. But, even more so, to adopt healthy habits and healthy living.

For more tips on how to lead a healthier lifestyle, check out this post: Have Your Cake and Eat it Too at Social Gatherings!


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