Summer time in Michigan lures us outside with its beautiful warmth and never ending days. But then fall arrives and the urge to rush outside and “play” seems to fade. There are still plenty of nice days left to enjoy the outdoors! Here are five ways to get outside and play this fall. Savor the season and try out one of these free or very low prep activities with your family!
Take a Color Walk
Fall is a great time to soak up color outdoors. Take a color walk in your neighborhood and see how many different colors you can find. Make it a little more interactive and tally all of the colors you find to see which color is most prominent in nature (I bet it’s red!). Enjoy a little snapshot of your color walk by documenting it through pictures you can print out later if you wish.
Hunt for Signs of Fall
Head outside and enjoy the beauty of your own back yard by hunting for signs of Fall. Ask your kids to use their five senses to identify signs of Fall. This encourages them to be mindful and curious about the changes happening around them. Maybe they see changing leaves or feel the dampness in the air. Challenge them to cover their eyes and just listen or use binoculars to look closely at their surroundings. It’s fun and convenient to hunt for signs of Fall in your own backyard but if you are looking to get out of the house check out one of Lansing’s wonderful nature centers:
Collect and Craft with Leaves
Collecting leaves is one of our favorite ways to get outside and play in Fall. There are so many shapes, sizes, and colors of leaves to explore and talk about. Give your child a container to collect leaves in and let them fill it to the brim. When they come back inside you can create a nature crown or sun catcher with all of their colorful finds.
Nature crown:
- Cut a strip of paper and measure it to fit around your child’s head.
- Pat your leaves dry and glue them onto the strip of paper.
- Staple, tape, or secure the ends of the paper with string to create a “crown shape.”
Wash Pumpkins
Washing pumpkins is something you can do that is low prep and allows you to be outside. Whether you snag some mini pumpkins or a few big ones this season you can do this activity on repeat this Fall. Fill up a bucket of water and dirty up your pumpkins with dirt or marker. For an extra sensory experience and play give your child a sponge or scrub brush!
Make a Leaf Pile or Maze
Get outside and turn a dreaded chore into a family fun activity. Making a leaf pile is classic outdoor fun and a great way to get outside and play this fall. Let your child experience the fun of running, jumping, and crunching! Another fun experience with leaves is having your child pile up the leaves to make a pathway or “maze” to run through.
If you are looking for additional ways to engage with nature, craft with your child, or play this Fall follow me on Instagram @speakwithmespeechtherapy.