New year’s resolutions seem to be the same every year: eat better, exercise more, be more productive, etc. Those are great goals for the new year and the sense of accomplishment when sticking to those goals feels amazing. This year, instead of setting one goal, let’s set multiple. Set goals that make you look and feel like a better person and then top it off with goals to make the world a better place. If 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that we need to clean this mess of a world up. Let’s get to it.
2021 Goals:
- Don’t litter. Simple. Keep the trash in the can.
- Reduce waste. Find ways this year to reduce wasteful habits. Switch out regular paper towel for bamboo or compostable options. Ziplocs for reusable pouches, a reusable water bottle and a Berkey filter for clean drinking water.
- Be kind. No matter their story, their actions, their point of view, be kind. Being the bigger person is tough sometimes. Make your resolution about empathizing instead of retaliation. We never know how someone struggles.
- Spread positivity. Spread it and try to look at things from a positive perspective more than a negative one. Remind yourself every morning to be positive.
- Limit social media. This can help keep the negative feelings at bay, especially when someone is flaunting an opinion that we don’t agree with.
- Save energy. Make it a goal to change out your light bulbs and electronics with greener options like LED. Set a monthly goal.
- Volunteer within your community to clean up parks and do community service.
- Make donations to the food bank. Make a goal to donate a certain amount of food and hygiene products monthly
- Help out. Pick someone monthly to help out randomly when you have spare time.
- Switch out products in your house that aren’t healthy for the environment. Pick a monthly product to switch out. It can be aerosol cans, cleaning products, soaps, or beauty products. Search for cleaner options and ones that give back to the earth.
- Declutter your closets and donate to Volunteer of America or the Salvation Army. You can set a monthly goal of how much your family unit is wanting to get rid of.
- Give blood/plasma. The Red Cross is always willing to take the donation. This one requires a little more bravery than the rest.
- Buy more fruit and veggies; organic if possible. This reduces packaging and you get to be healthy too.
- Pick somebody to pray for/send good vibes to. Each month, you can change the person. Focus on their well-being for a moment each day of that month and watch the bloom.
- End your days with a grateful heart. Your new year’s resolution could simply be saying three things you are grateful for every night before you go to sleep.
- Plant a garden this year. Get your kids involved and pick flowers and veggies you want to see grow. The bee population will thank you, and it is a learning and bonding experience for you and your family.
Whatever your resolution may be, we hope it brings you happiness. Let’s make 2021 better than the last year. Happy New Year!