I always knew when I had kids, I wanted to be sure they knew that Valentine’s Day wasn’t just a day to shower your partner with extra love, but a day for them as well. Growing up, my mom did just that with both my sister and I and has continued to this day! She always has made sure that Valentine’s Day is a day to make sure we always remember we are loved. In doing so, I’ve gathered some of my favorite books to read to Lucy! Below you’ll find three different stacks, normal “Valentine’s” books, books that we read about how much we love our kids, and books that talk about what love is for different families.
Lansing Mom is here to share our tried and true favorites. This post does contain affiliate links that help support our small business but every product is something we love!
Valentine’s Day Books
In this stack, you’ll find pop-up and touch and feel books that are perfect for your baby or toddler. We have come to love many of the Little Blue Truck books and the Valentine’s book was a must-have. In it, Little Blue Truck makes special deliveries to all of their friends on Valentine’s Day, making sure all of his friends know how much they mean to them. You’ll also find You’re My Little Cuddle Bug in our stack. All of the books by Nicola Edwards have also become a must-have on our shelves. The illustrations are the cutest and each page is written in a sweet and fun way to show love to your child.
This stack is hard to pick just a few favorites! Here you’ll find Guess How Much I Love You, which I remember my mom reading to me and my sister. You’ll also find I Love You, Stinky Face which is a newer classic about a child asking his mom if she will still love them even if they are a big smelly skunk or a dinosaur with lots of teeth. In our stack, you’ll see Let’s Say I Love You which I found last year. This book helps you learn how to say “I love you” in 12 different languages and I love having it on our shelf!
All About Love
These two books are two of the most important on our shelf that talk about love. (We have a LOT of important books, it’s hard to pick!) The first is And Tango Makes Three. It is a beautiful true story about two boy penguins in the Central Park Zoo who are a couple. Their caregiver noticed that they were trying to care for a rock in the same way other penguin couples care for their egg. He helped to find an abandoned egg that Roy & Silo could take care of. The story is a reminder to us all that family means something different for everyone and that love is love. The story is written for children to understand and for adults to fall in love with the two penguins showing love to each other and love to their baby penguin.
The next book Love Makes a Family shows how our daily actions and choices are a way of showing love. With the fun illustrations, the author writes “Love is, knowing where everything is.” and “love is baking a special cake”. It is one of our favorites to show Lucy what love can look like throughout her day!
Don’t forget to check out your local library for more books! Our favorite is Delta Township Library and they always have displays featuring books that are perfect for the season, holiday, and just because as do other libraries. Wishing you and yours a lovely Valentine’s Day!
Books are just one way to show your child love on Valentine’s Day and all year long! Other ways to spread some love are through spending time with your child, perhaps doing arts and crafts!