When I had my son, I knew that I would someday want to give him a sibling. I grew up with an amazing younger brother so I knew this was something I wanted to give to my son as well. When I found out I was pregnant with our second child, I was overjoyed. Even though this is what I have been praying for, there are many days when I think—OMG.
A Support System for a Second Baby
Even before the pandemic, there have been many days when I have felt overwhelmed with just my son; I think all moms do. Deep down I know that I can do this because I have a support system. Mine is my husband who loves me and will be by my side—together we will both figure this out. I also have an amazing mother who will be there to support me as well. I will not face this alone. If you’re feeling like I am, rely on your support system, no matter who they are, to help you through.

How Are You Going to Do This?
Ok so I know I can do this, and you can, too. My son is now almost two and a half and he is thriving (mostly on cheez-its). Since this is our second baby I now am a little more prepared regarding the truths about taking care of a baby. Remember on Friends when Rachel had her baby and she was so pretty all the time? Well, I now know that is a lie. I watched those episodes during the first weeks of my son’s life and I remember yelling at the TV. The beginning is rough, but I will persevere. If you’ve been through this once you know you can do it again.

Be Okay With Being Scared
The reality is that I don’t think I will ever stop asking myself if I can do this with a second and how I am going to survive. When I had my son, I suffered in silence because I was afraid to say that I was struggling. This time, I will be more honest with my husband and family if I find myself struggling again. I will try to remind myself that I can do anything. It’s okay to be scared, but as moms we can’t surrender to it!