Summer is FAST approaching and we are so excited to share with you an inside peek at Lansing Community College Summer Camp Programs. Join Lansing Mom as we sit down with Teresa Price to get a deeper look at the programs and tackle some questions we know Moms want the answers to! Read on below to see what you can expect from today’s interview.
Lansing Community College Summer Camp Programs
From exploring Michigan’s wildlife to digital filmmaking and battling robots to crime scene science, there is an LCC Summer Camp to spark the interest of every learner in grades 2 – 12! Before and after-care options make these camps convenient for parents, too. Camps are led by LCC faculty, who are excited to bring the fun to these STEAM-focused camps. Learn more and register at
What you can expect from today’s interview:
- Variety of camps available
- Who teaches camps
- Before and After Care
- Length of Programs
- What a day at camp looks like
- Scholarship information
- Ages for camp
Check it all out below and get ready to start thinking about summer!
Thank you so much for joining us today as we learn more about all the amazing options at Lansing Community College Summer Camps. We know this is going to be an amazing fit for your children this summer and we are SO EXCITED to see you attend!
If you have any questions about today’s interview or want more information on Lansing Community College Summer Camps, please be sure to head to the Lansing Community College website or reach out to us over on Lansing Mom’s Social Media Channels.