Hi, I’m Morgan, a mom of three boys three and under. I like to call it “controlled chaos…without the control.”
The Days Before Motherhood

I’m formerly from Owosso where I grew up and graduated high school. School was never my strong point and when I graduated high school I wasn’t set on a career path. I had no idea where I wanted to go and who I wanted to be, so I wasted a good chunk of money on a first year of college and then decided to hold off. Eight years later and I am where I needed to go and who I want to be…most days. No college degree required.
In 2012, I quit college and started waitressing. Waitressing led me to meeting my significant other, Zam. I always joke that he threw me out of an airplane and that’s how I fell for him, but the months leading up to that played a huge part. Our first date though, he took me skydiving. He told me he was going to change my life…and he did– him and his daughter, Savannah.
How We Spend Our Days

In August 2016, we welcomed our first son. I hung up my apron from waitressing and took over the office at his HVAC company with our two-month-old in tow. By one, our first son could run the office by himself. In July 2018, we welcomed our second son, and in September 2019 our third. I slowed down at the office and my main focus became being a mom. (Though you’ll still catch us all in there, it gets a little wild.)
Heating and cooling isn’t the only job we partake in. We have a small farm in Perry, where we raise cows and chickens. I recently dove into beekeeping and have enjoyed working with our first hive. We have had pigs in the past as well, but for right now we have had to take a small break. In the summers, we enjoy a garden full of fresh veggies and we will pop up at an occasional farmers market. Zam crop farms and we enjoy taking walks down the back roads and watching him when the weather is nice.
With or Without Kids
These days, my hobbies are set aside, but when I have time, I enjoy journaling, reading a good book, or just settling in and watching a good movie with Zam. I love to do Zumba and dance it out. We regularly have dance parties in the living room. These boys have got some moves.
Most would describe me as a helicopter mom. Our kids go with us everywhere. We do not do a lot without them in tow. This has it’s challenges but it is well worth it to us to have them a part of every journey. Memories are very important to us as well as spending time with our children.
Our Children
Savannah is 21. She doesn’t need much from us these days. She is grown up and all on her own, but she fits right in when she finds her way back home. The boys are obsessed with her and she is the best big sissy. Growing up as her daddy’s only, she now shares the light with three wild boys and she handles it well.
Case is now 3 and I keep wondering where the time goes. He is sweet and so smart, and he has this overwhelming stubborn side as well. He is so caring, making sure everyone is always taken care of. If you come visit our house, he will generously offer you a snack and drink. He gives the best compliments and his manners always surprise me.
Colton is 19 months and just coming into his personality. He is our sour patch kid and I say that with so much love. He is always into everything and is the reason all stools were removed from our house. This kid could climb to the top of the empire state building with no issues. Though he is as wild as a tiger, he is as sweet as a puppy. He will take a kiss any chance he can. He is an ultimate daddy’s boy– daddy brings him so much joy. It is heart warming.
Clayton is four months old; still just a little bean. He fits right in with the pack. Sweet as can be as long as momma is in his site. He loves to watch himself in mirrors and swing in his baby swing. The days of simplicity.
Family time involves camping trips– our favorite being the week of fair. We enjoy hopping over to Frankenmuth for a day at Splash Village, followed by shopping and dinner of course. We love to spend time outdoors with each other. As soon as spring hits we are outside and we won’t be back in until fall.
As a mom, I live by the motto “everything in moderation” and though I battle with an anxiety disorder, I try to just go with the flow. I take a more natural approach to things with moderation being key. I let the chaos whirl around me and try to manage it the best I can, but realize it’s not always going to go as planned so you’ve got to learn to go with it. This life is a wild ride and these boys definitely throw in some crazy loops, but don’t worry I’ve got my seatbelt on.