Hi, I’m Leah and I’m a Lansing Mom!
I’m the mom who shows up at daycare drop-off in the same sweats as yesterday and, dang it, I forgot the diaper bag again. I’m going to be late to our playdate, for sure. I have to-do lists from last week. At least one of the rooms in the house is being “redecorated” (yes, it’s the same but that’s a new pile of stuff since the last time you were over). I’m a hot mess of a mom.
Early Adulthood

I grew up close to Lansing in Owosso. After high school, I went on to CMU (fire up!) where I earned my BA in Fashion Merchandising. I followed my (then) dreams and worked in the most incredible bridal salon for almost five years after college. I also still served here and there at one of my favorite restaurants and that’s where I met my husband. He was washing dishes and I couldn’t help but think how hot he looked with that man bun. (I’m obsessed with his beautiful long hair. Okay, obsessed and jealous.)
We both fell in love hard and fast and life threw us a ton of obstacles during our first two years together. Within three months, we purchased our first home in Lansing, got married when I was eight months pregnant (1/10 would not recommend getting married super pregnant), and welcomed our son, Atlas, to the world.
My son, Atlas

Atlas made me a Lansing Mom. He is now 11 months old and has turned our lives around and filled our hearts. He is the happiest little baby unless you have food and you’re not sharing! Turn any music on, or even just hum a tune, and he will start dancing. Play “catch” with him and he will start giggling like mad. Give him food and you are now his best friend. He’s not one to cuddle, but once in a while he will give a hug, squeeze, and hold on, but he’s most likely just trying to see if he can jump off of you. As he gets more mobile, I notice he tries to jump, nose-dive, or barrel roll onto and off of things– I think I am going to have my hands full.
The three of us love camping around Michigan with our families and friends. We also love going to the park in our neighborhood, making dinner together, and jamming to music. Since becoming a Lansing Mom, I was stoked to have Atlas enjoy all that our hometown has to offer, but this past summer we didn’t do even half of what we wanted to do around our community (you know how hard it is to take little ones out for long periods of time). But that just means that we’re super excited to keep exploring!

Not only has my entire life changed, as you know it does once you have a child, but I have changed. I left a job and a career path that I had always thought I wanted, to be home with my baby because, as wise women have told us, “you’ll never get these moments back.” I am just now getting into a part-time job and am looking forward to going back to college to pursue a degree in another direction. I just started cooking and baking and actually enjoying it…WHAT?! (I’m telling you, this is a BIG deal.)
Things that will always remain constant for me are: I’m a huge Harry Potter nerd; I love to shop for anything; and, I can make a pretty spot on pig “oink.” My entire world is different than I had ever imagined. I’m just trying to ride the wave pool that is marriage and life with a baby, and trying to find out who I am for the time being.