Thank you so much for this opportunity to share my voice.
Kristin Hundt
Teacher. Learner. Global Citizen.
An email signature—a small thing that can tell a lot about a person. In an instant, you can learn a person’s job title, favorite quote, and a book they might be reading. That little ending to an email can give a window into who someone is. My email signature with those four words underneath my name tells you exactly what you need to know about me.

I’m a teacher.
For twelve years, I’ve been working alongside sixth graders. I help cultivate proficient readers to learn about the world and proficient writers to change the world. Teaching, for me, is about building a risk-taking, mistake-making, safe community where students can shine and spread their genius.
Currently, I am taking a leave from teaching to help educate my own four sons. I am a boy mom through and through (x4!). In the fall, as my boys begin their school year learning remotely from home, I’ll have a set of second grade twins, a kindergartner, and a two-year-old. As a mom, I have always been their teacher. This year, the role of parent and teacher continues to merge closer and closer together. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be able to support my boys’ education in this way.

I’m a learner.
I am obsessed with learning and am always actively seeking knowledge about whatever I can, whenever I can. Before a purchase, I do extensive research and read reviews. Similarly, when having a problem, I seek advice and learn as much as possible on a subject. Also, a person will rarely have a conversation with me when I don’t talk about books. I will probably try to persuade you to read a book I think you’ll love. Although I read a little of everything, my biggest literature loves are picture books, young adult books, and parenting books.
One of my biggest learning journeys was when I decided to be open about my second miscarriage and our infertility struggles by starting a blog. I learned how important it is to share your story so that others can connect, learn, and heal with you. Being open in that way is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve been blogging for about 10 years about our years of trying to get and stay pregnant, teaching, travel, and the raising of our four boys.
I am never complacent. Learning, for me, is an adventure with many twists and turns. I am always goal setting, reflecting, and working to be the best version of myself as a wife, mother, and friend.
I’m a global citizen.
I am on this planet to make a positive impact. I am on this planet to gain understanding about the people and places that are here. My job, through global citizenship, is to act with compassion, curiosity, and empathy and help support my sons to do the same. My second grade twins may not know how to tie their shoes, but they know that St. Augustine, Florida and Santa Fe, New Mexico are the two oldest cities in America, Wales has more castles per square mile than any other country, and about the recent explosion in Lebanon.
When I got my teaching job, I was given the position of a sixth grade language arts and social studies teacher. I was scared to death! Not to teach reading, writing, speaking, and listening, but to teach the entire Western Hemisphere in terms of its geography, civics, economics, and history. After an incredible amount of learning and content design, the result was my complete passion for knowledge about the world and the people in it.
As a mother, it is one of my top priorities to help foster a love of travel, global citizenship, and service in my four sons. It is never too early to lay those foundations in children. It is never too early to help children know how much integration and connected-ness there is in everything we learn and experience. There is nothing I love more than going on ‘adventures’ with my husband and boys learning, exploring, and serving the world around us. We are suckers for an awesome day trip closer to home or long road trip travels.

I’m excited to share my little slice of motherhood with you all.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my voice.
Kristin Hundt
Teacher. Learner. Global Citizen.