Have you found yourself in a bind on a sick day or when you need to stay indoors? Sick days and indoor ‘cold days’ may be appealing for kids but can be incredibly challenging for parents who have to work or take care of things around the house. Let me introduce you to 5 fun and simple indoor activities for kids. These activities require minimal prep and/or can be introduced on the fly. Perfect for your next impromptu cold or sick day!
Magic Painting
Imagine this, you just wake up to discover an unexpected below freezing day or a sick kid! This means you may need to be indoors more than expected. You have excited children but want to tone down that morning energy, sip your coffee slowly (maybe), and get a plan together for the day. Cue Magic Painting with Paper Pie. This is one of my favorite fun and simple indoor activities for kids, not to mention low prep and no mess. I recommend keeping a secret stash if you can. Check out the beautifully craft magic painting selection PaperPie has here –> Magic Painting Books!
Fruit Building with Toothpicks
Whether your child is stuck inside due to an illness or the cold, I am willing to bet your day will be filled with SNACKS (so many snacks!). Fruit building with toothpicks is one of my most favorite fun and simple indoor activities for kids. First, gather whatever fruit you may have on hand. We like grapes, blueberries, and apple chunks. Set out some toothpicks and encourage your children to build different shapes or structures. This is the perfect quiet, low energy activity to nourish your kiddos bellies and brains.
Paper Snowflakes
Paper snowflakes are truly a magical “cold” day activity. It’s perfect for when your child has low energy wants something to do that is creative. Gather your colored paper and start folding and snipping. Make sure you check out this quick and easy tutorial first: paper snowflake tutorial for kids.
Tie Dye Snow Experiment
I like to keep this fun and simple indoor activity in my back pocket during the winter months! Especially when it is just too cold to get outside. Let’s be honest, this happens quite frequently in Michigan and frankly, sometimes it’s just easier on parents to just bring the snow inside. All you need is a large bin, a scoop of real snow, and some food coloring with droppers. If you don’t have droppers feel free to use spoons or any other materials you may have around the house. Watch your children light up as they get to create their own tie dye snow! For easy clean up, dump it down your drain. Disclaimer: this can get messy quickly so make sure you monitor the fun!
You can find our favorite large droppers here!
Hot Cocoa & Stories
If you are like me, in the winter time, my household is always stocked up on delicious hot cocoa supplies! If it is snowing or even remotely cold outside, without a doubt, my children will ask for hot cocoa. Sometimes I will pull a book off the shelf and read a story while we sip our cozy drinks or chat about our favorite snow day activities! Whatever you do, make this a time to slow down and connect with your kiddos on a chilly day. They won’t forget it.
If you’re a fan of hot cocoa bombs, check out this piece on where to find hot cocoa bombs in Lansing!