Pediatric Subspecialties at University of Michigan Health-Sparrow with Dr. Steve Martin

When it comes to our kids, we can’t just treat them like little adults. They are built in their own amazing ways, and we get to bear witness to that every day! It also means that when it comes to their health and wellbeing we want to make sure that they are being treated by Doctors who are experts in their fields of pediatric care. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Steve Martin, Practice Leader for Pediatric Subspecialty Clinics at University of Michigan Health-Sparrow to learn about Pediatric Subspecialties at UM Health-Sparrow.

In our conversation with Dr. Steve Martin he shares a little bit about his background and work with UM Health-Sparrow and answers all our questions about pediatric subspecialties. This interview allows Moms to gain an understanding of the Pediatric Subspecialties that are offered through UM Health-Sparrow and when and how to seek professional help. Dr. Steve Martin is the Co-Medical Director Pediatric Service Line and Practice Lead Pediatric Subspecialty Clinic.

What You Can Expect From Today’s Interview on Pediatric Subspecialties:

  • What is a Pediatric Subspecialty
  • Why it’s important these subspecialties exist at UM Health-Sparrow
  • Overview of some of the subspecialties offered
  • How a Pediatric Doctor is different from a General Doctor
  • How/Where to start when looking for information for our children

Check it all out below and let us know, are there future topics you’d like to discuss?

Looking for more information from Lansing Mom and Sparrow? Check out RSV For Moms with Dr. Rebecca Schein.

Erica Lachowski
I am one of the owners of Lansing Mom. I grew up in the Lansing area. I went to Michigan State where I got my degree in advertising management and met my husband. We live in the Mason with our two daughters who are 7 and 5. When I am not mommin' it you will find me reading, baking or planning my next trip! I love this community so much! It brings me so much joy to bring women together and share their stories!


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