How did you come up with the idea of your business Curvaceous, and how did you start?
I always knew I was going to open a business, but I didn’t know exactly when or what. In April of 2012 I was visiting a friend out of town, and we went out shopping in search of a birthday gift for another friend. We happened upon a small, lovely lingerie shop. I was in my element, and I think my friend sensed it. Because as we went to check out, she said to me, “Lauren, you could do THIS.” It clicked into place. And I never looked back.
I immediately started my business plan, and in November of that year I launched as a store-within-a-store inside The Wedding Bell in Okemos. Managing The Wedding Bell shop at the time allowed me to work both sides at the same time. I also had help from the bridal employees. It was a fantastic way to start, but I knew my own space was calling in Old Town. In 2014 we made the big move to Old Town Lansing. A space of community, locally owned shops, and entrepreneurs who were passionate about what they did. We’ve been here ever since!
Knowing what you know now, is there anything you would have done differently when you were first starting out?
Yes. I would have implemented a financial strategy called Profit First. It probably would have been a game changer.
What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?
Have you faced adversity in business due to being a woman? How did you navigate that?
I once entered into lease negotiations with someone who was just awful to deal with on so many levels. We wound up abandoning that agreement and going in a different direction. Thank goodness! Other than that, there are occasionally networking events that wind up being mostly old white men. I can’t really pitch my business to them well, so they wind up being awkward and dismissive. Now I just avoid those events and of course choose those that focus on women.
How do you persevere in challenging times?
A solid support team at home and at the shop. I could never do what I do without my amazing husband and managers. I also have a business coach that helps guide me. And some gin. Or vodka. Or wine.
What impact do you want Curvaceous to have?
I want people to think of my business and remember that we made them feel amazing. That they felt happy and positive about themselves, for maybe even the first time in a long time. Being the go-to specialty store for bras and lingerie in the community is important. People NEED bras. They need them for health reasons, and for overall daily functioning. I want to be a source for those who need specialty items. I want everyone to know about us and all the work we do! We are nationally certified bra fitters and think bras are like shoes – if you’re wearing the wrong ones it makes for a miserable existence.
What are the pros and cons of being a woman business owner in 2024?
In 2024 I’d say life is pretty good! There are a lot of women-owned businesses in Greater Lansing. There are professional networks, support groups, special grants for women, etc. Now in 2025….we shall see. It might be a whole new ballgame and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous being a woman business owner.
What knowledge would you share with someone who wants to become an entrepreneur?
Do it! But utilize your family, friends, and any network connections you have. Meet with the SBDC. They will help you through the process of opening and establishing yourself. Join some clubs or professional networks that host opportunities to talk about your business with others. Support your community through event participation and outreach. And hire people smarter than you.
What do you do for personal and professional development?
Currently I participate in a program that gives me a personal business coach. It also offers community support with other business owners, as well as live webinars and conferences all pertaining to retail.
What Mantra or Quote do you live by?
There are so many great places it’s hard to choose! My family and I love to visit Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor. This past September we stayed in White Hall for awhile though, and it was just beautiful! It may hold a little place in my heart now.