Introducing Erica… Co-Owner of Lansing Mom

Hi there! I am Erica Lachowski, Co-Owner of Lansing Mom! I am SO happy you are here! Here is a little bit about me! If I had to describe myself in two words they would be laughter and organization. Currently, on top of running Lansing Mom alongside my wonderful co-owners and amazing team, I run my household in every way. My husband and I live in Mason with our two girls. I grew up in Lansing, went to LCC and graduated from Michigan State in 2014 with a degree in Advertising Management. 

Five Fun Facts About Me

  1. Reading is a hobby of mine. I love a good ol classic paper book. But audiobooks are a current favorite right now because they are so much easier to listen to on the go. 
  2. I LOVE sweets, you will find me baking them and eating them! 
  3. Summer is my favorite season, I love exploring our beautiful state and going camping with my family
  4. I love listening to podcasts, my goal is to start one of my own!
  5. My all time favorite shows are Friends, Gossip Girl and SATC. I have rewatched them more times than I can count.


My husband, Jason, and I met in 2010 at a party at Michigan State. He is the opposite of me in a lot of ways and gives me such balance in the places I need it. We have been married since 2014. I would love to say that we traveled a whole bunch before we had kids but we didn’t. Instead we  focused more on our careers and getting established. We are total foodies and we love camping, traveling with (and without) our kids or finding a good movie or series to cuddle up and watch together.

We currently live in Mason. When we were looking to buy our first house we looked mainly in Delta Township, Grand Ledge and Dewitt to stay close to family. But the houses were selling like crazy! We couldn’t find anything that was jumping out at us in those areas. So on a whim we told our realtor to add Mason to our search and BOOM we found our house. We didn’t know much about Mason, now we have been here since 2015 and we love it. Downtown Mason is the best. There are so many great small businesses to explore and beauty to take in! 


GAME. CHANGER. I always knew that I wanted kids but for many years, and still a little bit now, I am someone who loves my kids and tolerates other kids. As much as I have always done well with kids I never really understood what it meant to raise them and all the feelings and challenges that come with it.

When I had my first daughter, Eloise, I was a mess and completely thrown for a loop. I was not a fan of the newborn stage at all. I also struggled with Postpartum anxiety. Which was especially difficult because I had never dealt with anxiety previously, so to work through that while also being postpartum and having a new baby to care for was really tough.

Quickly, I became all consumed with her and realized I had to make it a priority to make time for myself. This helped me to be the best mom for her while also not just having my identity be that I was a mom. By doing this it started my personal development journey and being intentional in who I am and how I show up. This was a really big shift in my life for the better and it has allowed me to reflect and step into the person I really want to be. As I continue to prioritize time for myself, being a co-owner of Lansing Mom is a huge part of that. This is a place where I have found community and connection that has been so instrumental in my mental health as well as motherhood.


Our household is split down the middle in personalities. My husband, Jason, and youngest daughter, Charlotte, are totally laid back and go with the flow. My oldest daughter, Eloise, and myself are planners and are always moving on to the next thing. It creates a nice balance for the most part but can be difficult at times. Jason is a human encyclopedia. He has a ton of hobbies and loves finding new ones that challenge him. 

Eloise was born in May of 2017. She is a big ball of energy, a social butterfly, and too smart for her own good. I feel she has been my hardest teacher in parenting. She is constantly reminding me how independent she is and that she will do things in her own time. 

Charlotte was born in June of 2019. She is the happiest kid, independent, fearless and loves the water. I always say she was the calmness our family needed. She gives me the confidence I need with motherhood and is always reminding me to slow down (she is the slowest at everything!).  

Ever since I decided to stay at home with my girls I have loved every minute of it. But as time went on I wanted to contribute to something more and just for myself. I joined and ultimately became a co-owner of Lansing Mom and it was the best decision! Motherhood has taught me the importance of supporting all mom’s because they are just doing their best. This community does just that and I am so proud to be an owner and help give voices to all moms!

 If you’re looking to connect with more Moms, head here

Erica Lachowski
I am one of the owners of Lansing Mom. I grew up in the Lansing area. I went to Michigan State where I got my degree in advertising management and met my husband. We live in the Mason with our two daughters who are 7 and 5. When I am not mommin' it you will find me reading, baking or planning my next trip! I love this community so much! It brings me so much joy to bring women together and share their stories!


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