Hi there!
I’m Liz, stay-at-home mom to four kids (preschool age to middle school), freelance writer, and a Lansing resident since 2017. My husband and I met in college and were married in Connecticut, where we lived for about eight years and had our first three children. We loved living in a small, walkable town on the train line and shoreline. But, as our family grew and we started looking seriously at houses (all of which in our price point were either falling apart and/or looking seriously haunted), we realized it was time to get out of the East Coast and settle down near family in Michigan. Lansing has been good to our family ever since!
About My Family
My husband, Luke, and I have been married for 13 years this summer. Our kids are Lucia (11), Felix (9), Victor (7), and Evangeline (4). As my youngest nears school age, I have been taking on more freelance roles and stretching my writing muscles again (before having kids, my background was in communications). I’ve always enjoyed travel and regional writing, and I’m excited to have an excuse to dive into it as a contributor to Lansing Mom.
Here are 5 quick facts about me! 
- I was named after one of the March sisters in Little Women. Yeah, that one. I may have carried some resentment over it growing up. I’m over it now, and I’m currently wearing a Little Women t-shirt, so my loyalty to the novel is still going strong 35+ years later!
- I married a Michigander and can’t believe I went into my 30s not knowing how great the Great Lakes are. I grew up all over the United States (and a short stint in Europe, thanks to the military brat life), but I’ve become That Person telling everyone about the glories of Michigan and the Great Lakes.
- I love getting out and discovering new things: flying young kids overseas, driving cross-country in the trusty Honda Odyssey, deciding to stop in an ethnic grocery store and letting the kids try new-to-us candies, or finding the best local trails for spring wildflowers. Something I’ve been learning to appreciate in my 30s is what a joy it is to nurture curiosity and my own love of learning.
- I’m Filipino-American, and while I sadly don’t speak any of the languages of the Philippines, I do like to think I made a mean pancit and adobo.
- Topics I hope to write about for Lansing Mom: hidden gems in the region, children’s books, confessions of a potty-training failure, profiles of awesome mothers and leaders in our community, and ways to stand in solidarity with families – and moms especially – on the margins, whether because of poverty, race, refugee, or immigration status, and more.
Thanks for having me in this space! I can’t wait to share stories and get to know you.
Elizabeth, I enjoyed your ‘Our Dining-Table Miracle’ article in the August Magnificat and can’t wait to read it to my grandchildren. It’s a beautiful writing. Thank you.
Karen McCartney