Jessica Walter

Jessica Walter
I am a working mom who left the education world after 7 years to pursue my business career. I work as a product developer at a local insurance company and love it. My husband and sons are my world. We struggled for 3 years with fertility prior to adopting our first son. Later, we really wanted him to have a sibling so pursued IVF using donor embryos (because we firmly believe love makes a family) and were then blessed with our second son. When I’m not working or playing the wife/mom role, I love to run, read, bake, write, and tinker with photography. We all have a story to share and I hope some of my experiences will help others.

Greater Lansing Area Top Take-Out Curbside Options

The locally owned eateries that have graced Lansing with their deliciousness have to be creative with how they can still serve their customers. Yes,...

A Guide to Master the Work from Home Grind

At 11:05 p.m., my comfortable, planned-out life came to an abrupt halt. The governor made her announcement to close all K-12 schools which meant...

5 Top Lansing Spots for a Moms’ Lunch Date

Whether you are a working mom or stay-at-home mom, the whole concept of taking time out of your day to go out to eat...