July is Purposeful Parenting Month, named by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. I often describe my parenting style as intentional but I definitely identify with purposeful as well. My husband and I like to have a mix of purposeful and light-hearted books around for our daughter, most often using our local libraries as a resource. For us, regular trips to our library are valuable, both from money-saving and out-of-the-house activity perspectives. According to Lisa Bennett, MA, LPC, ACS, Senior Program Director of Visitation Services, Acenda, “Purposeful parenting…embodies being intentional and adapting your approach to what most appropriately meets your child’s needs.” To elaborate a bit more, safy.org describes purposeful parenting like this:
- Engaging your child in open discussions and defining goals for their success.
- Letting your child know what to expect. Define clear expectations of their behavior, chores, and interactions.
- Giving your child a voice.
- Being consistent.
- Being present. When you are together, be engaged with your kids. Take the time to give your kids your undivided attention every day.
With these points in mind, here are 5 books I have come to know and love that align with purposeful parenting:
Fearless by Kristin Ray

I know I may be a bit biased, as I am the author, but Fearless is the epitome of giving kids a voice. I wrote the book with the utmost purpose in mind. Standing up for yourself and and speaking up when things don’t feel right are lessons included in the book. These were things I want to be intentional about with my own daughter. I hope that messaging comes through, not only to the young reader but the parent as well.
Dancing With Daddy by Anitra Rowe Schulte
This book definitely welcomes open discussions, especially about things like anti-ableism and understanding our differences. Have you ever felt unprepared for an innocent but important question from your child about someone’s physical differences in a public place? This story’s subject is a young girl named Elsie, who has a mobility disability and who is neuro-divergent. A book like Dancing with Daddy, will naturally open doors in your child’s brain and allow them to ask the questions that come to mind about concepts that may be new to them. Being comfortable hearing the question that might come up and having thoughtful answers ready, will ensure your kids feel safe asking them.
Daniel Visits the Doctor by Becky Friedman
In this adaptation of an episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Daniel’s parents take a very intentional approach with preparing him to go to the doctor. They set expectations about what will happen at the doctor’s appointment by drawing pictures and talking through the normal steps of a visit. This makes sense from a purposeful parenting point of view because kids adapt better when they know what to expect from new situations ahead of time.
How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe by Jane Yolen
This too is part of a beloved series. In the books, we see kids (in dinosaur form) encounter real-life situations like crossing the street and meeting strangers. Most of the books represent purposeful parenting by providing fun ways to learn clear rules. One of my favorite aspects of this series are the subtle but accurate illustrations of actual dinosaur species. This addition creates an additional layer of learning when reading the books.
Dad and Me: Fun in the Kitchen by Danielle Kartes
If you’re looking for an easy way to spend some present time with your child, check out Daddy and Me: Fun in the Kitchen. This book is basically a cookbook, but with kid-friendly recipes that encourage interaction and communication between parent and child. This book makes a good gift for parents who are looking for intentional ways to connect through reading and baking.
Purposeful and intentional parenting makes sense for my family. We are attempting to raise Averie to be tolerant, supportive, aware, creative, bold, and kind. These days, parents like us have increasingly better tools available to us to make it happen. We just have to decide to use them. I want to thank the Dewitt Public Library staff for helping me curate this list.