Lexie Starnes

Lexie Starnes

Help Children Learn Through Everyday Routines

Routines are activities we do every single day - like eating breakfast or getting dressed. Simple every day routines are powerful and provide comfort...

Health and Wellness Books for Kids

August is National Wellness Month. Wellness includes all aspects of your health: mental, physical, social, and emotional. It's imperative for us as moms to...

Getting Your Kindergartener or Preschooler Ready for School

Getting your kindergartener or preschooler ready for the first day of school can be an intimidating task. You may be thinking, "How can I...
two children looking at birds at potter park zoo.

Inexpensive Ideas to Keep Your Kids Entertained All Summer

Having the kids home all summer means constantly figuring out how to keep them entertained. You might think that means spending a ton of...

Summer Language Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Summer time brings warmer weather and outdoor activity. Here are a few of my favorite summer activities for toddlers and preschoolers that are fun,...

Communication Disorders in Children

Each year, May is recognized as National Speech-Language-Hearing Month, formerly known as Better Speech and Hearing Month initiated in 1972. This observance month provides...

Earth Day Appreciation for Kids

Earth Day is nationally celebrated each year (April 22) by millions of people. The mission is to bring awareness to our environment, how we...

Indoor Play Places for Kids In + Around Lansing

During the winter months in Michigan, many families shift to playing and interacting indoors. If you are in search of indoor play places for...

Gratitude for NICU Nurses

September is Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Awareness Month. A month to bring awareness to all of the NICU families and honor the health...

Introducing Lexie Starnes… an East Lansing Mom

Hi everyone! My name is Lexie and I am a mother of two curiously creative girls, a wife, book lover, and a speech-language pathologist....