There’s something to be said for a slower-paced summer. The ones where you enjoy being in your hometown or in your own backyard just soaking up the longer days. Just because you aren’t running from here to there doesn’t mean you should pack away your camera! I encourage you to document your daily life because that’s where the memories are. Here are a few photo tips to inspire you to get creative in being the memory keeper for your family.
Get in the Photo

Stop. Stop right there. Change out of those two-day-old sweatpants and go throw on your favorite outfit. (It can be sweatpants, just clean sweatpants.) Throw on that top that always makes you feel good. Does a touch of mascara bring you from feeling blah to ta-da? Put some on. Because today, today you are getting in the photo.
I lost my mother when I was 20 years old. I have a tiny container of photos from my childhood and her younger years but I can only count a handful of photos she is actually in. She was always one to be a bit self-conscious; I remember her hiding from the camera often. I find myself doing the same thing repeatedly, but having much self-awareness, I remind myself of what I have lost by not having tangible photos of her and me from my childhood. That’s just the push I need to get in the photo. This is your push now. Just a gentle reminder that, although you may detest getting your photo taken, it’s not for you. It’s for them. I suggest using burst mode on your phone and getting a tripod.
Know Your Light

You will look at the direction, quality, and intensity of the light. Good lighting makes a great photograph. In your home, I encourage you to use natural light sources. Find a big open window. Watch how harsh or soft the light is. Look at how the shadows fall on your subject, make adjustments as needed.

Make sure to capture the details! Don’t be afraid to get in close. While a smiling photo in the orchard of all of the kids is a great one to snag why not grab something cropped in close? Will their hands ever be this small again? Surely they won’t. Take a photo to remember their littleness.

Movement adds so much to a photo. Whether it’s a splash in a puddle or bubble blowing. I encourage you to use your camera’s burst mode and get snapping to make a memorable photo.
Try a New Perspective

Step back and consider a new outlook. Take the whole moment in. Perhaps try a birds-eye view? Clear the clutter so you can focus on your subject and try a different angle.
It doesn’t have to be a posed photo of you and the kids– capture motherhood as it looks for you at this moment. I challenge you to really put these photo tips to use. Get creative with your photos and, may I say it, even get in some of them as well.