Seven Lucky Ideas to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a day to celebrate with the entire family. It has evolved into a day of celebrating Irish culture with music, parades, dancing, special foods and a lot of green. Whether you’ve never celebrated before, or you celebrate every year, I’ve rounded up seven lucky ideas for ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year!

Wear Green

Lansing Mom is here to share our tried and true favorites. This post does contain affiliate links that help support our small business but every product is something we love! 

Whether you’re trying to avoid being pinched or want an excuse to wear your bright and loud accessories, try embracing this tradition. It’s super simple and the easiest way for us all to celebrate!

Make an Irish Meal or Add Green Treats

Traditional beef stew, corned beef and cabbage, or make your very own Irish soda bread. Bonus points for green dyed baked goods and shamrock shakes! Head here for some inspiration on green treats!


There is always a book for every occasion and St. Patrick’s Day is no exception. Here are some fun kid friendly St. Patrick’s Day themed books: How to Catch a Leprechaun, I spy With My Little Eye. . . St. Saint Patrick’s Day, Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase and The Night Before St. Patrick’s Day.

Plan A Scavenger Hunt

Those Leprechauns have hidden coins and jewels all around the house. Supply your littles with a pot to collect their gold and get creative with those hiding spots.

Create St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

Shamrocks bookmarks, paper plate wreathes, construction paper hats, Leprechauns stick puppets, rainbows with cotton ball clouds, use up any supplies lying around the house. You could even try your hand at making a Leprechaun Trap, we’ve got some ideas here on how to build your own!

Go “Green”

Use this month to teach your children how they can help the environment. Shutting off electronics, taking shorter showers, recycling, buying used clothing/toys and cleaning up trash.

Share Your Blessings with Others

Say a prayer, speak a blessing, make a toasts, read a proverb or a poem. Over the phone, in a text/email or just in your head speak good things to those you care about. 

We hope that you have a happy and safe St. Patrick’s Day! Leaving this list with an Irish Blessing… “May peace and plenty bless your world, With a joy that long endures, And may all life’s passing seasons, Bring the best to you and yours.” 

For more St. Patrick’s Day fun, learn how to set a leprechaun trap with your kids at home!


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