Hey there, Mama!
Are you a Lansing area mom who enjoys writing, social media, and connecting with women in your community?
Are you interested in connecting with other moms while using your love for creative writing or social media? Creating fun online content?
Lansing Mom Open Call for Writing Contributors and Mombassadors
The Lansing Mom team is growing and we’re SO excited! We are looking for local women with fresh and diverse voices who are passionate about motherhood and who want to share their experiences with other women in the city of Lansing and beyond. Lansing Mom is committed to creating a community where ALL moms feel welcome at the table, and we are expanding our writing team to give space to the voices we haven’t heard from yet. We’re living in crazy times and now more than ever women need support. They want to hear from you!
So, is it your voice and experience that we’re missing? We want to hear from you!
Or, do you know someone who would be great in this role? We hope you’ll tell them about this opportunity!
*Note: You do not have to be a blogger to apply. This is a volunteer role with some fun perks! Keep reading…
We’re incredibly excited that you would consider sharing your thoughts and experiences with the Lansing Mom readers! Before you think more on the opportunity, please read the following guidelines and feel free to contact us with any questions. We welcome ALL questions. We want to make sure this is the best fit for YOU. We have plenty of opportunities depending on what you love the most about being part of a community.

Who we are looking for….
The Lansing area is a vibrant community with so many amazing parenting styles and cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds represented and we would love to continue to build a team that echoes the diversity of our community. We want to make sure we are. With that in mind, the writers we are looking for are……
- Moms in and around the Lansing area who have a passion for motherhood, our city, and enjoy writing
- Women with a sense of humor and zest for life who don’t tend to take themselves too seriously
- A diverse group of women who represent the demographics of our community
- Moms of children of all ages, from infants to college-age and beyond.
Think LOCAL : We love to keep our content relevant to Lansing and the surrounding areas…or at least within driving distance for day trips and outings. Blog posts can feature places to go and things to do while more general topics {potty training, DIY, working, etc.} can be given a local twist simply because they are written by a local mom – YOU!
Think MOMS : It may sound obvious, but Lansing Mom’s target audience is made up of moms, so it only makes sense that our content remains under the broad category of parenting, within which you have a ton of subtopics to choose from – the experience of being a mom, phases of development, tips and tricks, home management strategies specific to moms, culture and community, work experience, and, of course, all the locally-focused ideas mentioned above. If you have an idea that interests you and your friends, our readers would probably love to read about it, too!
Think CONNECTIONS : We encourage you to think critically about ways to engage your audience. Try to include clever and catchy post titles that draw people in or spark curiosity, and give your readers a reason to comment by asking questions – “So tell me, what is the most awful potty training experience you have ever encountered?”
Most Importantly : Write or share what you love, and love what you share or write!
As you consider what content to submit as a sample with your application, please think on these important guidelines:
- Your sample submissions must be original to you, meaning, you are the author. Please keep copyright infringement laws in mind.
- The submission with your application should be a sampling of your writing (500-600 words) or if you are looking to create social media video content, a video of the content you would create.
- Content should be free from the following: political endorsement of a party or candidate, political commentary, and derogatory or inflammatory language.
If you’re selected to join our team of writers or Mombassadors here’s what you can expect:
What you give as a writer…
One original post per month that fits within the brand and mission of Lansing Mom.
OR a Mombassador . . .
As a Mombassador you will apply for one of two types of positions
- As a playdate/playgroup leader who will be responsible for hosting a monthly playdate
- As a Mombassador within one of our many community groups who is responsible for posting once a week in your choice of Community Group (options can be found on the Google Form)
What you get….
Your photo and bio on the Lansing Mom “Meet Our Team” Page.
Links to your personal blog and/or social media handles (if you choose to share them) in your author bio below your articles
Involvement in the LM Contributor Facebook group
Professional development, workshops, and personal growth
Professional editing provided by LM’s Content Editor on every article you submit
Access to pre-sale tickets to LM events as available
New friendships and an amazing experience!